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100 Quranic Verses Mentioning Animals


Allah's Creatures: Quranic Verses on Animals

100 Quranic Verses Mentioning Animals

The Holy Quran, the sacred text of Islam, contains numerous verses that mention various animals and their significance. According to scholars, there are approximately 100 verses throughout the Quran that reference specific animals, ranging from elephants and bees to spiders and donkeys.

Allah's Messengers and Omens

One notable verse states that Allah (SWT) has animals under his command, which he sends out as messengers or omens. In another verse, it is mentioned that anyone who hears the barking of a dog or the braying of a donkey should seek refuge in Allah, as they may indicate the presence of evil spirits.

These verses highlight the importance of animals in Islamic tradition and encourage Muslims to pay attention to the signs and symbols that Allah (SWT) leaves in nature.

